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SR0.85 Render Elements with PSD-Manager = error

15 years 1 month ago #1777 by michaelscholz
Hi folks,

are you familiar the plugin PSD-Manager? It saves all image data (renderframe, g-buffers, renderelements etc.) into a layered Photoshop-file.

Here's my problem:

Case 1: I have a fresh scene and render without Solidrocks. The PSD-Manager works fine including renderelements.

Case 2: I use Solidrocks on the same scene, but now the PSD-Manager cannot create a bitmap any more and terminates the render. What happened?

Case 3: Now I quit Solidrocks and try to do the same as in case 1, but somehow I cannot return to the same state. Something seems to have changed in the scene's settings, because now I cannot render elements with PSD-Manager at all, no matter what. I have to merge everthing into a new scene in order to render elemenst again.

Do you have an idea what SR might have done to corrupt the renderelements with PSD-Manager? Maybe its only a checkbox somewhere?

Any help is gladly appreciated.


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15 years 1 month ago #1778 by subburb
Hi Michael,

No i'm not familiar with psd-manager.

Is there a demo of this product ?
If yes, i'll try to find what's wrong and try to make them compatible together.

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15 years 1 month ago #1789 by michaelscholz
Hi Jérôme,

here's some info about psd-manager:


I'm afraid there is no demo available for current versions of 3dMax, only for old versions (use the 'Download Tryout'-Button from the menu on the left side, the link above the image yields a '404').

I will run some more tests with SR/psd-manager, maybe I can find out what causes the problem (usually both work together fine, only the renderelements are trouble). Its a bit pity, since psd-manager is a sweet tool - as is SR :-).


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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #2154 by andy
Hi Michael,
I used PSD-Manager 2.1 with SR 0.97.8 a few minutes ago and everything worked perfectly fine here. I'd suggest you to reinstall PSD-Manager and try again.

Good luck with that, I'll keep my fingers crossed! ;)
Last edit: 14 years 9 months ago by andy.

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14 years 9 months ago #2155 by michaelscholz
Hi Andy,

thanks for the encouragement, but I just can't make it work. What is the trick? The very moment I activate any VRayRenderElements I get a "Error creating file output" message when I try to render to the Max frame buffer. With the VRay frame buffer the scene renders fine though, but I do need the Max frame buffer for the psd-manager, don't I?

It's the VRayRenderElements causing the trouble here, everything else is good with the psd-manager. Crazy.

Any ideas?


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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #2158 by andy
Hi Michael,

you're right, it's definitely a problem with the render elements. I missunderstood your posts before, sorry for that - used PSD-Manager only for some seperate masks before without render elements, which caused no errors.

But it doesn't seem to be a problem with PSD-Manager and SR. I'm getting error messages even without PSD-Manager active.
So I'm agreeing with Michael here: SR + render elements + max framebuffer = nogo
Last edit: 14 years 9 months ago by andy.

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