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Bucket size - Division method causes problems

10 years 8 months ago #6559 by krister

Thanks for a great script!

We have some issues with solidrocks ever since we installed vray 3.0 and the newest solidrocks.
The problem started showing up when we started rendering smaller regions of the image (the full picture is 3000px wide). Since the "Division method" is set to "count" and not "size", we get really small buckets that are no more than a few pixels big. When the buckets are this small we run into 2 problems.
1. The render times increase dramatically (3x rendertime)
2. The image doesn't render correctly and looks wrong and cannot be used(I don't have an image of this, but I can provide if necessary).

We can work around this issue by "save solidrocks settings on exit", closing SR, and then changing the settings manually and hit render without solidrocks.

Could you maybe add a button that disables the override that SR have on Bucket size AND Division method? (I wanted to just edit your script myself, but after trying to open "solidrocks.mse" and finding out that .mse files are encrypted, I have no other choice but to ask nicely :))

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10 years 8 months ago #6563 by subburb
ok noticed !
i can run out of the smaller buckets when region rendering..
so i think i'll change methos, or give a "minial bucket size" option.
thanks for pointing it out !

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