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problems hitting renderbutton

14 years 8 months ago #2204 by meyerdudesek
hi jerome
sorry posted this in the public section. you can delete it there if you want...
have some troubles here:
max 2011 design x64 win7
everything went ok till now.
I had to install Autodesk Design Rewiev and it bothered me not having installed Microsoft Visual C++ Redist 2008 sp1. but it was. unistalled those, installed new. no luck. and so on. I found on a forum the tip just to unistall every Visual C++ 200x also with Windows Installer Clean Up Utility and then try again. Autodesk Design Rewiev setup then will download the apropriate versions of Visual C++. This worked.
Now installed is:
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x64 9.0.30729.4148
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86 9.0.30729.4148

(there can be installed different versions side by side for some reason, earlier were)

so now the problem. after a fresh max start everything works great. but after some working the solidrocks render button won't work. error messages:

-- Error occurred in refreshmini(); filename: C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max Design 2011UIMacroScriptsSolidRocksB09x.mse; position: 249941; line: 984
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- called in BTN_refreshMini.changed(); filename: C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max Design 2011UIMacroScriptsSolidRocksB09x.mse; position: 251118; line: 989
-- Defined in encrypted script
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Runtime error: Unable to open renderer, possible recursion <<

can you help me?
Please note, although no boardcode and smiley buttons are shown, they are still useable

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14 years 8 months ago #2205 by subburb
Hi !
Hmm bad news..

We need to check some simple things :
are you using the very last build ? 0.97.8 ?

same problem if you restart your PC ?

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14 years 8 months ago - 14 years 8 months ago #2206 by meyerdudesek
yes last build.
yes after restart same problems.
the stunning thing is that it just happens after some work in the file.
I had some troubles installing things. had adobe cs5 cs4 update problems so I spent an afternoon cleaning and reeinstalling. I don't think it touched any 3ds max related installation. The problem occured after that so I think it could have something to do with that. I know that max needs visual c++ which I completly removed as descibed and let install again through design review installer. couln't that be a problem? before, I had different versions of visual c++ (one from max, one from autocad and so on... strange).
Last edit: 14 years 8 months ago by meyerdudesek. Reason: typo

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14 years 8 months ago #2207 by subburb
hmm the most strange in that is that SR don't use any part of redist..
i've avoided this kind of code to be compatible with max9..

perhaps have you a max2010 remaining, to have a try ?

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14 years 8 months ago #2208 by subburb
other user had this recursive problem with earlier 0.97 builds....
someone can advice here ?

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14 years 8 months ago #2209 by meyerdudesek
no 2010 here. jumped from 9 to 11. stability problems ;)

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