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17 years 3 months ago #101 by brunolopes
Units was created by brunolopes
Hi,i'm very insterested in your tool, i think that will help a lot :)

But i've a question, this tool will work in any metric units, like meters or inches? i ask you this because of the DE radius. I work in meters, and i dont know if the radius is a real radius...like a radius of 30 will be 30 meters or 30 inches...

Thanks in advance

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17 years 3 months ago #102 by subburb
Replied by subburb on topic Re:Units
Hi !
SR is actually intended more specific for still renderings.
So DE radius AND Light cache Sample size are computed in \"screen\" mode.
This way, the radius of DR and LC sample sizes are automatically adjusted by SR to adapt to resolution changes. (Irr map settings are modified, too, depending to resolution) and don't depend of scene units used.
i'm working on a simple units analyser engine to govern future \"world mode\" settings, useful for animation purposes, and for template scenes instant creation, like physical exterior, physical interior, studio, and so on...

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17 years 3 months ago #103 by brunolopes
Replied by brunolopes on topic Re:Units
Ok, thank you...anyway i'll buy it :)

Tell me, once we buy the current version, we will receive updates?
I'm curious to undestand, in what kind of theory have you done this \"presets\", what calculations, based on your experience with vray...can you explain it ot me? I ask you this because i want to understand the purpose of certain settings that SR changes or toggle.

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17 years 3 months ago #104 by subburb
Replied by subburb on topic Re:Units
ty !
yeah, new updates will be added in a special restricted forum access. you will be informed by mail for each new updates.
for beta0.4 customers, updates will be available free of charge until 1.9xx version of solidrocks.

Sr contains, yes, all my experience of vray, days of testing/notation/comparison between full adaptive, non adaptive, and so on...
It contains all my comprehension of reading the official doc site of vray, www.spot3d.com, and a very regular read of official vray forum for a looong time.

The first verions of Sr was only for me and friends, intendend to avoid to spend hours of settings, and kill remainings doubts while looong renderings.
other goal was to have an intelligent behavior of Vray when changing resolution of rendering, instaed of every time reajust ligth cache subdivs, irrmap quality, and different radius. simply foloowing the rules of user manual, like : when you double image size, you need to double the LC subdivs to maintain same quality/grain, etc...
progressively, i've putted in equations interactions between differents parameters, and adjusted them with beta testing team for several month. nothing is perfect, i actually make a new testing report to modify a little, if necessary, general equations to achieve a beta0.5 version even more solid than 0.4.
i'm working on it, actually fighting with render panel and solidrocks interactions and updates, especially when resolution is changed in the render panel.

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17 years 3 months ago #105 by brunolopes
Replied by brunolopes on topic Re:Units
Ok :)

Thanks once again :)

I will buy it today or tomorrow :)

Great Job

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