Logo SR Alpha 2017

What is the status of the the SolidRocks project?

17 years 3 months ago #138 by harry101

Does anyone know what, for sure, will be in line for beta 0,5 and up to a solid 1.0 that rocks :), from the developers side. I guess the build on the wishes of the users, but I am just curious about any details, that anyone knows, about the future builds, and when can we expect these builds.



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17 years 3 months ago #142 by subburb
Hi !
have a look in customer zone in this forum for new build 1.41 download..
with some enhancements + SP1 compatibility...

for next version, of course the more i can do the better i'll be !

but, for instance, i'm just going to follow wishes in this forum, and of course, the most voted things in poll on solidrocks frontpage.
For the rest, i try to follow my guideline : simple interface, maximum logical automatisation and wizards, fast renderings, and of course interactivity for learning.

in target are :
- specific settings for interiors, exteriors, etc..
- animation wizard, to handle in simple way walktroughs and more complex animations.
- my wish (and goal): scene templates like some studios configurations, exterior scene, interior scene, with cameras and sun preconfigured.
- full adaptive approach (actually in dev)
- ...

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17 years 3 months ago #151 by harry101
Thank you for your good work!!


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17 years 3 months ago #159 by subburb
you're welcome !

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