Logo SR Alpha 2017

Color mapping

15 years 3 months ago #1606 by Cypri
Color mapping was created by Cypri
Wy do you have only the color mapping - Reinhard in your Script

I whish I could have the option to switch to exponential (for interior) or linear etc.
The second problem is, that the color mapping is switching to reinhard if I turn the Solidrocks Script on.
I now, I could deactivate the colormapping from SR and save this as default > but I would wish some options (hsv exponential).

sorry for my bad english :P

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15 years 3 months ago #1615 by subburb
Replied by subburb on topic Re:Color mapping
Hi !
i've choosen the reinhard colormapping because in fact linear and exponential are inside it. if you specify linear 100% in SR then the color mapping is full linear. Same thing for exponential.

But i'll try to find a way to propose hsv colomapping in SR ;)

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15 years 3 months ago #1616 by Cypri
Replied by Cypri on topic Re:Color mapping
Thanks, :woohoo:

it is important, when you not use a VrayCamera and increase the level of colormapping (dark and bright mulitplier, above 1,0) to brighten a dark room, without change the lights.

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15 years 3 months ago #1619 by subburb
Replied by subburb on topic Re:Color mapping
you're right, multipliers are a must have and will be added in SR for fast and easy access. ;)

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15 years 3 months ago #1622 by subburb
Replied by subburb on topic Re:Color mapping
added in "todo" list for next build.

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