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same setting,when we close and reopen

16 years 9 months ago #358 by CHAKIR
hi a gain,

i wish if SR became in the same setting,when we close and reopen it


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16 years 9 months ago #359 by simmsimaging
+1 I often forget it resets things when you reopen it. It is okay if you just minimize the window, but I am not in the habit.

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16 years 9 months ago #372 by subburb
hmm.. it is hard to say because of divergent opinions on this thing.
Last version didn't reset anything, and cutomers didn't like that and asked to me to reload on Sr quit the render settings that was made just before starting it. this is why there is now a button \"apply Sr settings\".
I'll try to work on a easy to use, and seamless behavior of SR on next builds.
If you've some ideas to handle that, don't hesit !
You have to know that some users stays solidrocks open all the time (reducing) and others closing it very often.. so it is hard to find a good way for all.... but i'm thinking about that each night !!

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16 years 9 months ago #373 by simmsimaging
For myself, the problem is that once you have made any personal adjustments to the SR settings you cannot reopen SR or change the quality without changing things. I also use the Bercon preview render script and I like how that is totally non-destructive - maybe that is an option? If SR did it's thing and reset the Vray settings while open, but put things back as they were when you closed it unless you hit the \"apply SR settings\" button then it would probably work just fine for most people. Perhaps there could be a simple option setting that set the default option to \"apply\" or \"don't apply\" on close so people could set it for their own personal workflow.

Right now I find I am using both scripts together to avoid the problem of resetting everything if I forget and close the SR window.

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16 years 9 months ago #374 by simmsimaging
For myself, the problem is that once you have made any personal adjustments to the SR settings you cannot reopen SR or change the quality without changing things. I also use the Bercon preview render script and I like how that is totally non-destructive - maybe that is an option? If SR did it's thing and reset the Vray settings while open, but put things back as they were when you closed it unless you hit the \"apply SR settings\" button then it would probably work just fine for most people. Perhaps there could be a simple option setting that set the default option to \"apply\" or \"don't apply\" on close so people could set it for their own personal workflow.

Right now I find I am using both scripts together to avoid the problem of resetting everything if I forget and close the SR window.

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16 years 9 months ago #381 by subburb
ok noticed.
Another user have suggested me today to close SR just after clicking on \"apply SR settings\" button, this is more logical, i think.
If it's reaaly useful i can reactivate the question before quitting solirocks \"do you want to apply, or restore ?\"

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