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gamma on max2009 with vray sp2

15 years 8 months ago #1350 by avicohen2k
Hi Jérôme,

I'm getting the gamma msg on Max2009 with VRAY SP2.
when I go to customize-preference I only have "enable gamma/lut correction" in a single option

even if I check it (though SR says not to check LUT which I cant) after I hit render I still get the error msg - and when I got back to the preferences screen I see the option I just checked has been unchecked (it just won't stay checked).

Whats going on?
couldn't find anything about it on the board.


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15 years 8 months ago #1351 by subburb
Hi, Avi,

i just sended to you the very last 0.75 build, just to be shure.

if the message persist, just tell me in this forum, we will find a way.

in order to have correct linear feedback into viewports when using gamma correction in SR, you need to check on the gamma correction in max prefs, and check on, too, the affect material editor and affect color selectors. norammly doing this is ok.

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15 years 8 months ago #1355 by avicohen2k
reinstalled it.

this is my gamma preference screen is this the right screen? did I select the right options?
after I select those options I clicked o.k., clicked SR, clicked gamma and got the msg shown in img2


this time when I go back to the prefernce tab the option stays selected but I still get the error msg, in the SR menu and at the end of every render.

how should I proceed? :blink:


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15 years 8 months ago #1358 by subburb
hey ;)
nope not the right options :

you need to select gamma instead of LUT, and all will goes well ...

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15 years 8 months ago #1359 by avicohen2k
Hahaha ! B)

I though the checking was refered to the first options.. didn't notice the display frame.
you should maybe add "under display" to the instructions :side:


perfect now,

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15 years 8 months ago #1360 by subburb
ok noticed.
cool !!

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