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Solidrocks not fully saving settings

13 years 1 month ago #3575 by voyager
I've used Solid Rocks latest version at a design studio where I work and decided to try the lite version on my home PC's. I opened an exterior scene in Max 2012 x64 (Win7, Core i7 2600, 16GB, Vray 2.1) and rendered it using the Medium Exterior preset in SR. It rendered in 2 minutes. I saved the scene and this time I opened it on my other identical computer with no SR installed. The same .max scene took about 4 minutes to render. I thought SR simply saves the vray settings in the .max file. The settings did look the same but longer to render. I then installed SR lite again on that PC and it took 2 minutes again. Does this mean we cannot send our files to render farms because they do not render with SR and it will take longer?

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13 years 1 month ago #3586 by voyager
Great software. But unfortunately no support. The author doesn't want to reply to people who want to become a new customer. I know I need to buy the pro version first for support but there should be at least someone answering pre-sales questions. If I buy the pro version and it doesn't save the settings in the max file; how will i use it if i need to send my files to a render farm?

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13 years 1 month ago #3588 by subburb
Hello Voyager, I apologize for this issue. I just missed your post. I'm sorry.

That's bad thing, cause i'm trying everyday to give a good support for my product...

i need to focus even more new posts in this forum.

SolidRocks behavior is by nature non destructive, that means that, when you launch SR, it saves all your actual Vray settings, and when you close it, it restore them.
note : you can do that with the LITE version.

If you want to apply (save) SR settings to your scene, you need to go into the init/save panel,
then make 3 actions :
- click on apply optimisations to scene for materials. this will affect subdivs of all scene materials
- click on apply optimisations to scene for Lights. this will affect shadow subdivs of all scene lights
- finally, check ON the "apply SolidRocks settings on exit"

Then close SolidRocks. Now all the settings are applied to your scene.

These options are made specially for sending to render farms/nodes.

note : SolidRocks is NOT needed on slaves, only on the main PC.

Hope it helps ;)

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13 years 1 month ago #3603 by voyager
Hey thanks man, I didn't want my message to sound rude though :)
Anyway alright i'll try that. Also in the video demo of SR on your site, I saw a grey button Anim: Full. Will it also be available in the pro version? I was interested in having only a few moving objcts in my scene. Like just a car etc.

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13 years 1 month ago #3604 by subburb
You're welcome. no problem.
Yep, the "anim full" button is greyed cause it's already in dev/test. And yes it's planned for the V1.0 build.
I don't know right now if i'll separate into 2 or 3 versions, for example free lite, standard and pro. Hard to find a bood balance. My main goal is to keep prices cheap. any suggest is welcome.

if you need tips for your anim we can discuss here, or by mail, as you want.

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13 years 3 weeks ago #3606 by voyager
Right. 1.0 will be the next big thing. I suggest keep it pro only or demo it locked to a small resolution like youtube's 360p or 240p and limit the animation length to a few seconds like 15 or 20 sec (at maybe 25 fps). Thank you for your offer to help. I definitely want to use SR in the anim mode. So, we all wait for the next version :) Goodluck with dev!

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