Logo SR Alpha 2017

Gamma Correction not working

16 years 9 months ago #385 by Maxer
I've noted that when using the SR plugin my material editor and even the frame buffer don't display the proper gamma correction. Each time I open the plugin I have to reset all my viewport settings in order to get the frame buffer and material editor to display correct gamma. This makes it very difficult to use SR on older projects where these things need to stay the same. Is there a way to keep the plugin from affecting gamma settings that are already set up in Max?

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16 years 9 months ago #388 by subburb
Gamma stuff is improved in incoming 0.51 Version. in this build Sr updates gamma in Material editor and use different gamma while working and rendering, to maintain a linear color Workflow.
It's really close now..

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16 years 9 months ago #394 by subburb
Hey ! You can try the improved gamma in the 0.51.. see private section ;)

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