Logo SR Alpha 2017


16 years 9 months ago #414 by glorybound
Settings was created by glorybound
Is there a way to save presets? If I set some stuff, close SolidRocks, and open it again my settings are gone.

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16 years 9 months ago #415 by subburb
Replied by subburb on topic Re:Settings
Do you mean changes made in SR ?

If yes, be aware that it's planned for next build (max or vray vfb, optimize on or off, etc...)
My 45.zero co-workers asked me for the same thing, as they don't use \"optimize\" button.

planned, too:
- SR general initialisation options (vray log on off as start, clamp and subpixel mapping on or off, etc..)
- an ini file for power user for SR tweaking (noise thr, irrmap and LC values, etc..)

- simple template scene generator (exterior, studio, interior)
- and my final goal : an animation wizard, handling both flythtough an dfull anim setup & rendering, as this point stays complex for many users.

what are you thinking about this 0.51 build ?

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16 years 8 months ago #467 by simmsimaging
Replied by simmsimaging on topic Re:Settings
I am finding the build is working great overall. I am also hoping to have some of the new things you are talking about implemented though. I would like to be able to re-open SR without it resetting things that may have changed. The \"save on exit\" works well, but if you reopen SR you lose anything changed in between.

The gamma and clamp output options would be very helpful too.

Overall though, it works very well and I am happy I bought it!


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16 years 8 months ago #468 by simmsimaging
Replied by simmsimaging on topic Re:Settings
I am finding the build is working great overall. I am also hoping to have some of the new things you are talking about implemented though. I would like to be able to re-open SR without it resetting things that may have changed. The \"save on exit\" works well, but if you reopen SR you lose anything changed in between.

The gamma and clamp output options would be very helpful too.

Overall though, it works very well and I am happy I bought it!


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