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It rocks

17 years 6 months ago #8 by nikolo
It rocks was created by nikolo
Oh my god !!!!
Solidrocks or how to solve a lighning problem in 5 seconds...
nothing to say. It works.
And the render parameters are conserved, ideal for specific irradiance (like from file etc...)

Next killing stuff wishlist ??
-animation optimiser.
-caustics and SSS

Thanks a lot.

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17 years 6 months ago #9 by admin
Replied by admin on topic Re:It rocks
Thanks for posting comments, Nikolo !
Glad to see you've gaigned time, that's the essential goal of SolidRocks.
Yeah, the parameters are conserved in this version. so you can add/modify animation related parameters with ease.

i've noticed your wishlist :
- specific settings for animation (i.e 2 modes : Walkthrough and moving objects. Is this what you mean ?)
- caustics (first bounce) and SSS auto-settings (linked to choosen quality, of course)

i'll add too:
- LWF workflow implementation
- Interior/exterior/hybrid/studio settings for very fine adjustements.
- no more forcing spiral rendering, for best convenience, and avoid perturbating your habitual workflow
(i've forced this mode initially because if you're in a rush, you can abort render, make a crop, and give something to your customer in time... ;)

i'll put your wishes in the wishlist section.
don't hesit to specify more precisely what you expect exactly for animation optimiser.
Best regards,

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17 years 6 months ago #10 by nikolo
Replied by nikolo on topic Re:It rocks
1-specific animation:
yes, walkthrough and moving object with the abaility to have one image per 10 for example with the calculation of the irradiance and the light cache (add incremental and fly--through), and a second pass for the \"render final image\" option

2-caustics and sss auto setting will be a great stuff, with if possible an option for setting easily the materials...

3-in second thought, I think it will be more interesting in my specific case to have a grass plugins, with fur settings or displacement, that works....

4-LWF, sorry I don't know what this....

5- interior/exterior/hybrid/studio : Oh yes !!! studio you mean models style render too.... what a great stuff...

6-spiral render, not so essential, it's the best way I think.
and if I want, I can too keep your parameters and modify this and render it with render classic box...

7-at least, one day, a good working glass system with metal effects, translucence, and stuff like that....

That's most of the problem I've encountered with max..

Best regards

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17 years 6 months ago #11 by subburb
Replied by subburb on topic Re:It rocks
first of all, ty for this precisions, it greatly help to construct bases of next version.

1- specific animation :
i'll work on this, via a \"as simple as possible\" interface. i think it's possible to handle this kind of stuff.
i'll see to add path/filenames to stay in solidrocks interface while preparing anim.

2- i'm actually working on caustics right now, hard to automate because of great interdependance with scene units (cm, m inches, etc..) So i'm actually coding a system units converter to adapt caustics settings to scene units. This converter will be used too, for animations, LC need to be in world mode in this case.

3- hmm. there are some cool plugins/scripts existing for grass. i'll try to see deeper this problem. i'll post you soon some cool script links for this kind of stuff.

4- Linear WorkFlow. Many vray users uses today a gamma 2.2 correction or Srgb color space to achieve more realistic renders.

5- yes ! excactly. for example, you've choosed good quality. If you specify \"interior\" LC samples will be increased a little bit, and Imap RHsp too to catch interior lighting. For exteriors, will be decreased a little. Actually SolidRocks is in Hybrid mode. For studio setup, some specific adjustements will be made too, to achieve clean studio renderings with no effort.
But actually solirocks works well with studio renderings, just make a try.
2 cents tip for studio setup : replace big vraylights with planes/Vraylight material applied. result is quite similar, but render is really faster.

6- cool !B)

7- don't know if this is solidrocks stuff. i'll try to see what i can do for this specific wish.

So, Subburb, let's go to work !! (coffee, coffee...) ;)

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