Logo SR Alpha 2017

Half and Quarter render buttons missing

6 years 1 month ago #8728 by Boogertman

Have an issue where new solidrocks 2.2 isnt displaying the half and quarter renders buttons as in previous builds. Now every time I render, Solidrocks only renders at half resolution and it cant be turned off.

Please assist.

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6 years 1 month ago #8729 by subburb
Hello !
These buttons have been removed in latest build to be replaced by the new engine switcher.
I guess you opened a scene wich had the 1/2 button switched on with old solidrocks, right ?
Hmm i forget to manage this special case.

You can try this :
In maxscript listener, with your scene opened AND new solirocks opened as well, please type :
renderdemi = false
renderquart = false
Now try to render with solidrocks, it should render with correct resolution. If yes, please save your scene ;)
Does it helps ?

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6 years 1 month ago #8734 by Boogertman
Thanks, that worked 100%.

Is there anyway I can still use that feature using the maxscript listener? It was a great tool to use.

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