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after rendering all white

17 years 5 months ago #29 by Hades

Using Max 9
Vray 1.5
I set up a simple scene with a plane ..one tree from speedtree library and one light(max target spot)
then i hit optimize all.
Make one render with GI and one without.Got the same output.
plane white rendering...:blink: :huh: :S
Any idea whats happening


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17 years 5 months ago #31 by subburb

As you already know, SR is actually NOT intended to be used with 1.5 final version of Vray (but it will be, soon !)
It works only for RC3 (and RC4, i'm pretty sure, but not verified)
1.5 Final have big changes, new sampler, and so on...

anyway, did you try without hitting optimise buttons ? same result ?

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17 years 5 months ago #35 by Hades
Replied by Hades on topic Re:after rendering all white
Hi suburb

if you want i can make a few tests with different settings. And i will post my experiences.
Maybe it helps you.If you need a Betatester for the version wich supports 1.5
tell me. Would be glad.
I will make a few testrenderings and will send you them with the settings i made.

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17 years 5 months ago #36 by subburb
yeah you'll be an angel ! :woohoo:
yes, with pleasure... the more remarks/suggestions we have, the more adapted tool we'll have...
and, it's hard to have all systems and all vray versions installed in my studio ;)
i've just received and installed the 1.5 final dongle this afternnon, i'm making list of changes to do. 1.5 is not so different (in terms of structure), so SR have no need to be completly recoded. cool !
you can post screenshots or pictures in this forum(jpg please ;) ), but i'm going to open a \"Wip/test\" section, and \"Finished images\" section.
Lot of work for tonight on other stuff.. but tomorrow i'll work on 1.5 compatible Version of SR.
Thanks a lot !

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17 years 5 months ago #37 by Hades
Replied by Hades on topic Re:after rendering all white
Here we go: (couldnt resist to show you :)
Scene setup:
Vray Physical Camera
Vray 1.5
Max 9
File Attachment:

I did a rendering with and without optimize.I am pretty happy with the results
B4 i did a rendering completely without SR.
In my opinion the quality wasent as good as with SR!
This picture show you the rendering with optimize!
If you want i can send you this basic scene?


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17 years 5 months ago #38 by subburb
Cool !
can you tell us you appreciation btw rendertimes/quality, with and without SR please ?

i've just finished my firt \"rough\" pass of tests, SR seems to work pretty well with 1.5 !!
perhaps a little adjustement of global noise thresold, but it seems to be usable \"as is\" with 1.5 final...
so i can focus on new features...;)

1.5 is a speeder engine than rc3, for sure !!

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